Something about these chairs screams SANTA Claus |
One of my sayings in regards to shopping is whether or not "I got out alive".
This evening...I didn't get out alive. As a set of these chairs caught my eye after I already cashed out of a local consignment shop that was in the midst of closing.
I didn't mean to go in there. It was just on the route of errands and I had this item that I had purchased at the grocery store, next door, that needed to be returned for a refund.
I was being the diligent consumer telling the super market that I will not settle for substandard quality when it comes to the freshness of the fish I purchase from them.
Yeah, so much for being a consumer hero for long.
I didn't purchase anything in that particular grocery store. Not that I didn't want the roasted whole chicken. It was just that as I was back tracking and eyeing this one chicken left on the display another person saw me coming and I think in spite of it not being perfecto he took it just because someone else wanted it.
I got out of Bloom alive!
Binge and purge, it is a sick, sick cycle of life for some of us. For me it is "stuff", as Mr. O'Dea would call the worldly belongings we accumulate and cling to filling our homes from street to peak. Such is the case with me. No less than a couple of years ago, this same consignment and donation store received three truck loads of furniture, household goods and clothing when the tree fell on my house. For me, I had the urge to purge before having my belongings moved out and potentially being placed in storage for house renovation to proceed.
A church around the corner also was a recipient of at least one truck load of my worldly possessions, as they truly give the goods and clothing away. Therefore, they are not looking for that near new perfection that a consignment shop requires.
No, I did not make it out alive. As I stood there at the register checking out with just a few things in my hands such as greeting cards. I was waiting and waiting for the others in front of me to cash out and alas the store was closing.
But...I spied the set of chairs about five steps away and walked over to glance at them.
I then contemplated coming back on Saturday AM, when the store re-opened and proceeded through the line with my minimal purchases.
"Wait!" The chairs yelled at me.
"WE are only $69, if you leave us, we might not be here tomorrow."
Back in line I went, after already cashing out and now there are others in front of me and the poor volunteers want to just get off their tired feet and go home.
I mentioned to one of the nice volunteers that I was going to get the two chairs and would she be willing to open the front door back up, if I were to go get my SUV and park it out front to haul my finds home?
They are always glad to sell larger merchandise, so she obliged my request and here I sit with one chair still in the back of the SUV on this chilly night and the other against the hallway closet door.
Interesting pieces, after I got them into the back of the SUV, I noticed that they had a very dirt encrusted metal tag nailed to the bottom of a cross rail. Curious, I took a disposable wipe and some hand santizer and wiped away some of the grime and was able to determine it was a manufacturer's tag "Shaw Furniture, Cambridge, MA".
Via the wealth of information on the Internet, I learned that:
Blog truncated due to length - will have to recreate the rest of the story...LATER