Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hallway Chandelier Replacement Project

Current, builder's original, single lamp hall chandelier
Replacement, multi-lamp chandelier
Another story of me not getting out of Re-Build "

The original, builder's chandelier in the entryway is the only overhead light in the living area and with one lamp barely provides much in terms of illumination.  Plus, it is dull and pretty chintzy in appearance and construction, as is the dining chandelier.

The Re-Build Representatives response to my inquiry as to the cost of the heavy, large colonial glass chandelier  price was "Would you be taking it with you now or coming back for it later?"

It cost me $40 to take it with me Friday PM, along with my load of slate patio pavers. 

Though the chandelier road shot gun in the cab protected with a heavy packing blanket to provide safe passage home.

This is a future project and will require some additional length of brass chain, clear electrical wiring and copper ground wire prior to installation.