Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Home Contractors and Worker Staff: Did they ever see the crying Indian Chief?

O.K.  I need a medium to grip about the ins and outs and experiences with home contractors, their staff and home care taker types of staff.  So, here I go.  Let'er rip!

In this blog entry, I focus on "Did they ever see the crying Indian Chief?"  This entry is related to those workers from South of The Boarder that are selling their services as landscapers and yard workers.

One would think, if you hire a landscape company or workers to provide landscaping services or clean your yard that they would be clean and not litter.

Guess again.

I know that it must be a cultural difference and that in the late 1960's and early 1970's when Americans were finally getting in touch to the impact they were having on the environment there were heavy advertising campaigns, education and public service announcements that featured the likes of a native American Indian at the side of the highway crying at how modern man was abusing the land and littering.  In schools, we were taught about "ecology" and that was the sound bite of the 70's, as "green" is to the late 2000 decade.

It can be God awful hot and humid in Virginia from March through October.  Therefore, if you have workers in your yard, it is only fair to keep them hydrated with a supply of soft drinks and water.

The thing that you don't expect that as these guys are working the empty drink containers get thrown to the ground along with any other trash that they might process through their hands.  Cigarette butts...to the ground... cigarette wrappers and boxes,,,to the ground...Drink containers and cups...to the ground....Fast food bags and wrappers...to the ground.

When and if they do finally get picked up they are randomly intermingled with the bags of yard waste. 

You know, the yard waste that the contracted waste disposal company is going to separately pick-up and will end up in a mulch pile for decomposing and very likely back into local landscapes as a rich organic and natural soil conditioner.

Lord help us....the Indian isn't the only one crying.

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