Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homespun Gifts from the Heart

Reference books, what can I say, I just can not quench the thirst for knowledge and ideas that these books offer as a source of entertainment and learning.   Thus the ever growing collection of how-to books and other like reference materials.

Yes, some books I can pass up such as the Starbuck’s recipe book, I had in my paws this week. 

The defining test is to take the time and sit down to examine the contents of the book prior to getting to the cash register, if in a brick and mortar store. 

This is what I did with the Starbucks book and I am glad I did.  I found myself a chair and examined the pages while resting in a chair and decided quickly, that I did not need it. 

I told myself that there are plenty of recipes out there related to foods that can be served with coffee in recipe books I already own and for free via the Internet.  “Wake up, I thought, and realize that it is not unique recipes this book is selling, it is Starbuck’s and Starbuck’s coffee.”

Ha!  One book that did not follow me home like a lost puppy.

Another book was also recipe related and was rather large.  Yet, I carried it around the store thinking I would purchase it, as its cover art and copy gave the impression of generations’ worth of old southern recipes. 


Once I sat down and looked through the pages, I discovered it was more artistic nouveau cuisine, as opposed to good old classic southern country cooking. 

Another book put right back on the shelf.

A book that I did purchase this week is entitled “HOMESPUN GIFTS FROM THE HEART:  200 Creative Ideas, 250 Gift Tags & Easy Directions”, written by Karen Ehman, Kelly Hovermale and Trish Smith.

What caught my eye is in the back section of the book; “Gift Tags & Labels” there are pages and pages of 250 tags and labels to go along with the food and gift items from the front of the book. 

Not only are they artistic and in good taste, design wise, but they also have optional tags that include the recipe for the pre-made item (or) in the event it is a dry mix, it includes a list of wet ingredients and what other instructions are needed to complete the recipe.

The authors of the book first started “Homespun Gifts From The Heart” for women’s and church groups and with their mixture of various talents finally put their wisdom, ideas and designs into a nicely packaged book.

I did not read that last page, until after I purchased the book.  Though last night I had been thinking how well this book would present itself to a women’s guild, at a church for ideas on what to make and sell for a church fair and fundraiser.

The book has some not so main stream recipes, such as cinnamon spiced nuts and hot drink recipes consisting of the dry ingredients.  These are some of the many creative recipes that can be packaged in a nice cellophane bag or other choice container.  Afterwards, pull it all together with a decorative cord or ribbon and a copy of the appropriate tag from the back of the book.


There are even such things as a recipe for dog biscuits and craft ideas and plans for homemade Christmas stockings.

Another final and interesting note from the last page of the book is that it lists each of the author’s biographies.  Not only are they all mothers.  They also all home school their children.

My mother is a member of her church guild and continues to enjoy and work on church fairs along with other church members.  Definitely, I will be passing along an idea or two from this book for her to share with her guild members, as well as experimenting with some homespun gifts of my own when the occasion arises.

I say, give the book a gander by accessing the link I provided at the top of this piece to view on  ;^)

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