Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A member of the household is Mason, a.k.a. Lord Fairfax, Urban Tiger or Mr. Who.

I caught him when he was approximately twelve weeks old in a cartoon like set-up using a decorative wicker pet carrier basket with food inside and some twine strung through the screen door, as I waited for the feral kitten to get hungry and come for food.

It was the late summer of 2006 and I had one elderly diabetic cat, named Grant and I told myself that I would find this little guy a nice home.

How could I not fall in love with this sweet little orphan.  He had ear mites, fleas and was so tiny.  He would growl and make ferocious noises when I approached him.  Then he would be so content and purr non-stop once I picked him up to hold him.  He even purred through his first bath in the utility room sink where I did my best to clean his little body of mites, fleas and dirt.

Four years later, he rules and thinks that he is now Alpha Male of the household.

Although, he is like the phantom cat to anyone that comes to visit the house.  He is just the opposite when left undisturbed by strangers.
Mr. Who, is the most loving cat that likes to jump on my lap or get onto my chest in the early AM and trap me for some MeMe time and fur petting.

Ah, to be so peaceful and drugged with sleep.  This is why I have to work.  This is why.  Seeing his peaceful face and knowing that he is safe is one good reason why.

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