Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene 08/27/11

Yesterday, I made my way down to Harbor Freight and purchased a number of items.  In particular for the fore casted hurricane I purchased a 5x7 heavy duty tarp to cover building supply items that are leaning against the house that need to be kept dry.

Amazing thing is that just last Friday when I was there they had at least a whole pallet of small gas generators and as of yesterday PM, they were all sold out.  I had joked about purchasing one at least as an insurance policy to my neighbor. 

I can only imagine that some people went in and maxed out the quantity of six (6) maximum purchase.  I bet if I looked on the local some of those same generators would be listed for sale at a higher cost.  Not sure how I feel about that.  As when a storm is going to hit, some people in this area just loose respect for others and do crazy things like buy-up more items than they need at the store.

I have been somewhat lax in getting the inside of the house prepared.  A tub is filled with water, as I have been informed in a storm a handful of years ago this subdivision lost water supply for a good period of time.

There is more than enough food in this house.  So, no worries there.

Combination radio, flashlight, siren with a hand powered crank is sitting next to my bed.  As, is a battery operated flash light.

I know where some candles are located.  But, I should be pulling them to a central location in the event that they are needed.

Yesterday, I ran the dishwasher.  Today, I washed what dishes were dirty by hand.  I plan on running a load of laundry shortly and take a much needed shower, as my couple of hours outdoors in the steady rain resulted in me being wet from head to knees in spite of having a rain hat on and a rain coat.

The rain travelled the brim of the hat to my back and ran inside down my t'shirt!

Seeing how I was already totally soaked, I offered to take my neighbor's dog for a walk.  Also known as my work out partner.

When we returned, I knocked on the door and told my neighbor to open the garage door, because you know who was soaked and was certainly going to wait until indoors prior to shaking the water off.

You have to laugh....  Exactly, what she did.

Time to extract myself from the chair and go get a few more things accomplished before it gets pitch dark and there are potentially no electric lights.

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