Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cold Beverage Decanter / Jar

Cold Beverage Decanter / Jar

Have you ever wondered how to dispense large quantities of homemade beverages or ice water when you have a gathering?

More than likely, you have been in the same situation that I am in and you either end up purchasing beverages in containers pre-made from the store or you have a number of odd containers available. 

Like me, do you have some containers that you would rather not share with the general public that you keep in the refrigerator and use on a daily basis?

You know the ones with the stains that will never come out or that chip that has been on the edge of the pitcher since 1960, when your grandmother hit the faucet while hand washing it.

I have eyed these large glass beverage decanters with the matching clear glass tops and metal spigot, as the one shown above from Crate & Barrel, over the past five years or so when I have seen them in the stores. 

The negatives being the size and the cost and the pluses being the ability to have one nice large decent container to serve drinks from that were made or mixed at home rather than increasing the carbon footprint with empty containers that end up in the recycle bin.

Last week, I saw one of these style containers in a store and was very surprised that I walked out of the store without purchasing it.

This week, I did not get away without having it in a shopping bag and a receipt in my wallet.

The planets finally crossed and there was a not 100% perfect two gallon decanter in the store, as it had a very small chip on the lower portion of the jar’s interior where the spigot hole was drilled (one would need to examine closely if filled with a clear beverage to see).  $10 and it was sold and on the way home with me.

Currently, it is sitting next to the kitchen sink half filled with water to determine whether or not there are any leaks.

Why?  Because, I had purchased a one gallon glass and plastic beverage container five summers ago and discovered that no matter how much I tried to tighten the spigot and adjoining nut inside the jar that it continued to have a slow leak.

Eventually, that container was given to a friend of mine who has her younger brother living with her.  She said he would make a container of ice tea and leave it on the counter and consume it each day.

Perfect for him to keep next to the sink and without the worries of whether or not a puddle of tea would be in the bottom of the refrigerator by days end.

During the summer season, the one gallon jars with colorful seasonal artwork printed on them are readily available in stores such as Wal-Mart, CVS and Target or for very reasonable cost.

I would just recommend testing with water prior to filling with any beverage to determine if there are any leaks.  If there are leaks, it can potentially be rectified by tightening the mechanism. 

If not, pack it back up and find yourself in the returns line.  Better to test it out and know ahead of time rather than end up upset over a ring on the furniture or puddle on the floor, etc.

More options -
A friend and I are enamored with  They have the most exquisite items for home and garden, as well as a team of designers that have a knack for putting the right color and style combinations together.  WE both subscribe to their email notifications and scan through their on-line merchandise like we did as children through a Service Merchandise toy catalog.

Exception, now, we email each other the URL’s to share the webpage for the item(s) we like and I, personally, keep a file on my computer of some of the images of their merchandise that I have on that wish list.

I received the email posting of their beverage decanter collection and sale a few weeks ago.  Likewise, my friend did and loved the containers so much she forwarded me the email with a link to make certain I understood what I “should” have.

Here is the link for you to view their collection and become intoxicated with the beauty of their urn style containers with etched glass.

If per chance you are feeling overly generous and want to send a surprise package.  My address is . . .

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